Organizing WYD: Dutch companies share their expertise

It is indirectly thanks to Dutch dredging company R. Boltje & Sons Zwolle that the celebrations of World Youth Day (WYD) can take place on the beach of Copacabana, Catholic Newspaper writes on their website. In 1970 the dredging company expanded the famous beach seventy meters over a length of four kilometers. Again, it underlines the saying 'God created earth, the Dutch created their own land'.

Dutch system to provide drinking water
Another Dutch touch to WYD in Rio will be the system to provide drinking water. At the location for the closing celebrations Dutch company MTD takes care of toilets and the delivery of 5 million litres of drinking water through 5000 drinking taps.

300 pilgrims from The Netherlands
The organization of WYD expects a half million pilgrims. From the Netherlands about 300 people join the event. The opening Mass will be celebrated on Tuesday, July 23. Copacabana is a district in the south of Rio de Janeiro. It is well known for its four kilometer beach in the form of a crescent. You can follow tv broadcasting of the event live here, or read here who to follow on Twitter to stay updated about WYD 2013.

The WYD experience with Ariëns in Enschede
At Ariëns Katholieke Studenten we will watch the closing Mass on July 28 live on big screen at Huize Patmos, right after we celebrated Dutch Mass and lunch in Enschede.